Friday, August 31, 2007

Three Month Old!

Vivek is 3 months old today! He is growing up fast. It feels like he just arrived yesterday. My little boy is growing!!! Vivek is interacting a lot now. He is enjoying his surroundings, likes to look around and wants to be involved. He is enjoying his tummy time a lot more now. His head and neck are surely getting stronger. Overall he is a good baby.
To celebrate Vivek's 3 months mum and son went shopping. Not that mum needs a reason to shop!!! We had a shopping marathon. We went to Old Navy to buy some baby shower gift but I ended up buying something for Vivek. It is so difficult not to buy, the clothes for babies are so darn cute. Also I got to try some clothes on. Yahoo!!! Vivek was a good boy. We then headed to Linen 'n' Things. That is when he got a little cranky. Our next stop was to buy some groceries. He slept thru the drive and most part of the grocery shopping.

Happy 3 month Vivek. We love you.

P.S. Just could not get him to sit still for a shot. He is so fascinated with his hands. He stuff both his fists into his mouth!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Photo Shoot

We had our first baby photo shoot today. Our appointment was at 10 am. We got there a few minutes before. The studio is located in the country. A great place for outdoor shots. A 10 min drive from our place.
The photographer has a really neat place. We got there and changed Vivek into his photo clothes. He was all bright and cheerful. Lucky for us he had a nice little nap before his shoot, so he was in his best mood. The photographer was getting the set ready while his wife was getting Vivek ready. Oh my.. . she was so good with him, made him smile and giggle. He was in his element. We did get some great shots. After the session we had to choose the best ones, that was the most difficult part.
We had a good time. Dropped dad off to work and then grabbed some falafels for lunch.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Vivek meets Sudhir

A little bit of history... Sudhir and Raghu are from IIT Kanpur. Both played on the basketball team and became good friends. I met Sudhir while he was doing his Phd in Mumbai. He is a dear friend.
Right now he is in Bonn with his family. He happened to be in Chicago for a conference and had an extra day. He decided to put it to good use by flying down to Okalhoma to visit the Raghurams.

It was soooooo good to see him. He and Vivek became good friends. Vivek was so taken by every word of Sudhir's. Ever since he has begun to smile and interact it is fun to talk to Vivek. It is as if he understands every thing that you say.

We had a great visit. Sudhir made breakfast the next day. Scrambled eggs and toast. And Raghu whipped up his delicious smoothie. After breakfast we drove down to Tulsa airport to drop Sudhir off. It was a short but great visit. We hope to see the Sharma's in Germany in the summer of 2008. Can't wait!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Vivek got his first set of vaccinations yesterday. He got four vaccinations . 3 shots and one oral. He did well. He hardly cried. Brave boy! Mum had a tough time though. Dad was there to take care and make sure all wemt well. We also had a weight check. Vivek is officially 11 pounds and 5.2 oz. Yahoo!!!!
He has grown taller too. He is growing and doing well. Which a good thing to know.
After we got back from the clinic Vivek was a little down. He was not running any temperature but was a little cranky. All he needed was lots and lots of TLC.
Later in the nite he did have a temp. 100.4 F. Dad gave him some baby Tylenol and that gave him some relief and he slept well. This morning he is back to his cheerful self and has been smiling and playing a lot.
Our next well baby checkup is Oct 9th.