Saturday, June 02, 2007

It's a...

Boy!!! We welcomed Vivek into our lives on May 31st, 2007 after about 12 hrs of labor. The due date was May 28th. At my last doctor's appointment on May 24th I had dilated just 2 cm and we decided that on June 4th we will induce if the baby was out by then. I was not too happy about the decision to induce. But hey, we did not want to wait after a week past the due date.
I woke up on Wednesday May 30th feeling uncomfortable. I have been having pains on and off, nothing on a regular basis. As the day progressed I began feeling more and more uncomfortable. When Raghu got home in the evening, he saw me looking so pale and in pain. After dinner we decided to go for a walk by the lake, hoping that it would make me feel better. Heck no!!! I could not walk for long with out sitting down. I got back home and called the Hospital. The nurse told me to rest for a while since I had just got back from a walk. She told me to lie on my left side and call back after an hour if the pains still persisted. I lay down but felt no relief. After close to an hour I called the nurse again and told her that I was in pain and I think I am having contraction. This time when we timed it it was about 5 mins apart. I told her I wanted to come to the hospital and was prepared to come back home. After I hung up Raghu started to load the car. Yes, my bags were packed and ready. We left my father - in law at home and drove to the hospital. The time was about 9:30 pm.I was in pain and trying to time my contractions. The hospital - Stillwater Medical Centre is about a 10 min drive from our home. We got to the hospital and the went up to the Emergency Entrance . A nurse there helped to a wheel chair and got me on the elevator to the Labour and Delivery. By then my pain had subsided. The nurse at Labor and Delivery took me to a room for observation. She checked me and said that I had dilated about 4 cms and said she would keep me under observation for an hour or so before admitting me in. So our stuff was still in the car. I just lay there and started to make calls to my family back in India to tell them that I am in the hospital.
Oh yeah... my contractions come back and they hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By now my contraction are about 10 mins apart but very intense. So here I am talking to my brother in India and telling him I am in labor. He just didnot believe me. He was so shocked.. U say you are in labor???? You do not sound like you are in pain. That was funny!!!At about 11:30pm the nurse comes back to check on me and finds out that I have dilated about 6 cms. She said, oh well you are not going home now and I will call your doctor after I admit you in. What a relief. Didnot have to go home. We were in labor thru the night and my doctor- Dr Henry came in at about 5 am and the delivered Vivek at 6:52 am on May 31st.
A prefect boy. He weighed 7lbs and 7oz and looked so adorable. It was such a magical experience. I have no words to describe the whole process. I feel so blessed and lucky to have such a wonderful baby and a loving family.
Welcome Vivek Raghuram.!!!
For a picture of Vivek go to and click on nursery.